Wednesday, November 4, 2009




这次下kampung很多第一次,是我第一次驾远程(usm-kuala besut),是我第一次驾120km/j++的速度,第一次在kampung路以110km/j++的速度超车(罗里),第一次在晚上的下雨天驾车... ...


讲到二哥就真的要和两位小弟一起说了,整天出门就欺负我,要我乱乱穿小路,side parking,退后parking,乱乱parking~还要我特地在斜坡,停下来,再上斜坡~特地选交通繁忙时间要我驾manual出门, Walao eh~不知道要谢谢他们,还是恨他们leh?整天把我当“Abu”,也让我学会了很多东西。



近来,PBL为了cfcs有点内乱。真的不知道怎么做才好?当下最重要的是解决问题,不是追究,还是责怪,还是发脾气,都不知道她们怎么想的~经过了那么多residensi,还不能好好相处,这次的intervention办得好,收益的会是我们kampung的人;办不好就等于浪费金钱,浪费人力。明天就进kampung了,希望一切顺顺利利…..办不好,真很对不起sponsor们,JKKK,学校当局,给于我们合作的村民,USM Jabatan KKKK,还有很多帮我们的热心人士。我不想看到花了那么多时间准备的东西,最后come out with nothing!!!!

怎么了?原本要写的blog,怎么最后变成写心情日记了~不理了,很夜了,要睡咯~全世界晚安~DM2楼下的Pak Guard晚安咯~(每次都看到他偷懒…...)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Vitamin BCDE from Prof. Zabidi

When you first reading the title, you will try to think, what so special about these vitamin B, C, D, and E? Just because of Prof. Zabidi taught it?

I have listen to this Vitamin BCDE twice, the first time was during CNS third week PBL in which he was conducting my PBL group and another is today, during the lecture of Diagnostic Approach to Myopathy.

This Vitamin BCDE is actually a mnemonic. Disease causation mneumonics.
When we asked about the cause of a particular disease, try to think systematically by using VITAMIN BCDE.

Vascular – try to related is it due to vessel blockage, ischaemic? Or due to vessel rupture haemorrahge? Or blood clot, embolism.

Infection – usually presented with fever, if it is septicemia. Divided into bacterial/ viral/ parasite infection.

Trauma – Don’t only think about accident or injury. It can be divided into mechanical, electrical, toxically, chemical….

Autoimmune – Immune system attack body own-tissues. For example SLE, Rheumatic disease.

Metabolic – related to problem in metabolism of carbohydrate, protein, fat, mineral and etc. (usually refer to enzyme or cofactor)

Inherited/genetic – related to genetic origin. Inherited from parent. Either autosomal/X-linked dominant/recessive.

Neoplasm – related to tumor ,whether is benign or malignant.

Brain (psychological) – origin from psychological problem~

Congenital – the cause occur during pregnancy. Example congenital heart disease.

Degenerative – related to aging in which cell growth/repair is less than cell damage, will give rise to particular disease. Eg. Osteoathritis

Endocrine - related to endocrine gland in our body, no matter excessive/impairment/problem in regulation of hormone production.

Finally add one more idiopathic, that cause was unknown.

Sorry explanation is so lousy, can’t remember exactly what Prof.Zabidi said,

Anything wrong, please correct me~